Thank you for considering a donation to help us with our Christmas Parties.
Once again this year, hundreds of our campers will come, along with a younger brother or sister and will spend the day celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Thousands of donated items are placed on tables in the camp’s huge gym. Children are given play money to shop for and select toys, clothes and shoes. They also experience the joy of giving as they can “purchase” gifts for their families. For many of these children, this will be the only Christmas they and their families will have.
In addition to “shopping” for gifts, children enjoy listening to the Christmas story, drinking hot chocolate, singing Christmas carols and eating a delicious lunch.
Volunteers are always needed for gift wrapping, serving hot chocolate and lunches, being “store clerks” behind the tables and much more. Contact the camp office at (615) 597-1264 for details on how you can serve.